
2017 ICCAI Sponsors:

Fresenius Medical Care (Gold Sponsor)

ShockOmics Consortium

Sponsorship Information:

Below are the various available sponsorship levels and benefits available for the ICCAI meeting. If you or your company are interested in becoming a sponsor for the upcoming ICCAI Meeting, please send an e-mail to SCAI President, Mitchell Cohen.

In addition to the levels listed below, a separate sponsorship opportunity is for the gala dinner or social event.

Sponsorship level

Price (Euros)







Your logo & sponsorship level on conference program and flyers (printed and electronic) X X X
Your logo & sponsorship level (linked to a webpage of your choice) on the conference website X X X
Your logo & sponsorship level (linked to a webpage of your choice) on beamer screensavers during intermissions X X X
Your choice of advertisement material in the congress package. 1 flyer (A4 max.) 50 g max. (approx. 10 pages A4) 200 g max.

(approx. 20 pages A4)

Exhibition booth in lobby 1 rectangular display table 2 rectangular display tables (e.g. in L-shape formation)
Your logo & sponsorship level on the outside of the conference bag 1 rectangular display table 2 rectangular display tables (e.g. in L-shape formation)
Honorary mention during festive dinner X X
Your logo on the outside conference banner(s) X
Honorary presentation on first main conference day X